It is estimated that there are currently as many as 27 million slaves in the world today, more than at any other time in history. Many of these slavesare the victims of human trafficking – the fastest growing criminal industry in the world. Right now, countless millions are suffering horrendous abuse at the hands of vicious organised criminals who traffic, trade and exploit vulnerable women, children and men for financial gain.
Human trafficking is a an appalling global epidemic, though it is not just happening in other countries, it is also happening here in Wales, as Welsh Assembly Member, Joyce Watson, tells us:
“human trafficking is not exclusively an urban phenomenon, rather it is prevalent in every type of community in Wales, from the urban streets of Cardiff to the rolling hills of Carmarthenshire.”
Hill City’s Lead Pastor, Dai Hankey, is a passionate advocate of freedom and justice and has started a ministry here in South Wales that seeks to offer a gospel response to human trafficking. RED Community is a ministry drawing together like-minded Christians to stand against trafficking in Cardiff through PRAYER, THE BIBLE & MISSION.
You can find out more about RED Community and ways that you can get involved in standing against trafficking both locally and globally by visiting the RED Community website.