After months of preparation, the first Hill City Holiday Club has been an absolute success! Our theme of the club was Desert Detectives, prompting the kids to explore and find out more about Jesus. This involved a lot of fun scenery, including a manmade desert (AKA a sandbox).
Each day the children were welcomed by our three desert detectives drama characters Doug, Sandy, and June. After cheering and a little warm up, there was fun interactive worship with crazy dance moves and a sketch to follow.
In each sketch, the desert detectives would find different clues to lead them to “The Mighty Godsword”. The first day they found a wine goblet that led them to discover more about the last supper and about Jesus giving us his body and his blood through the bread and wine.
The second day the detectives dug up a crown of thorns. Through this the kids learned more about the suffering of Jesus and His death for us on the cross.
The third day the detectives discovered a Holy Bible. This pointed them to the truth of Christ’s resurrection and his promises to us. They then discovered that what they were really searching for was “The Mighty God’s Word”, encouraging them to read the Bible and study it to understand more about God’s love for us all.
Each day after the sketch “the professor” would come out and give a short message to explain in further detail what the item found in the sketch meant. It gave such great insight on the story of Jesus in a way that the kids could better understand.
After the sketch and the professor’s talk each day, the kids would break up into small groups based on their age for a Bible Study, a craft, and a snack break. The group of up to four year olds were the explorers, the five to seven year olds were Adventurers, and the eight to ten year olds were pioneers. In these small groups there were great discussions throughout the week about the lessons being taught by the professor.
After small groups the kids would all gather together again for a short quiz, a few jokes from our postbox, and one last song to end the day. It was such a cool opportunity to be able to share Jesus with people through the joy of serving a bunch of really cool kids!
In total we had twenty eight kids that participated in our Holiday Club, two less than our maximum capacity. All of the hard work and prayers came together to create this intimate and unique Holiday Club experience for our community, and we could not be more please with how it turned out!
A massive thank you to everyone who came out to participate and all of our lovely volunteers! An even bigger thank you to God for His mighty word and His provision through this whole Holiday Club experience!