Hill City Church gathers to worship the resurrected Christ on Sundays as one family. We meet from 10:30am at Emmaus Chapel on Freeholdland Road in Pontnewynydd (2 doors up from the Royal Oak pub).
When you arrive, you’ll notice that Hill City is quite lively. We enjoy spending time together and we invite you get to know some of the people and familiarize yourself with our facility.
We begin our service with a call to worship. The worship leader will normally begin by reading a passage from the bible or prayer. All of our lives are worship and Sunday morning service is a special time of worship together as God’s people.
We sing in response to God. Who he is and what he has done for us in Christ propels us to worship. We use a mix of ancient hymns and current songs. The particular style of music isn’t as important to us as the content of the songs we sing. We strive to sing songs that reflect God’s truth and our thankful response to his grace.
The bible teaches us that God delights in the prayers of his people and so prayer is an important part of our worship. In prayer we thank God for the goodness of his character and we pray for the needs of individuals, our church, community, and the world as a whole.
The time when we study the Bible is an important part of our service when one of the leaders of the church preach a sermon. We are committed to treating the Bible with respect by reading within its literary and historical context, attempting to understand the author’s intent, dealing with the specific words, and by addressing how culture and our lives are related to the gospel it heralds.
Regularly the table is open to anyone with a resolve that faith in Jesus Christ is our only hope for humans. The ordinance of the Lord’s Supper is a commemoration and supplication for the grace provided for in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. During any time during communion one may go to the communion station, break off a piece of bread and pour the wine and partake. In addition, the elders are always available for prayer during communion.
There is an offering plate at the back for giving where we worship God out of our earnings. It is not a payment nor a gimmick, but a joy and responsibility for those who consider Hill City to be their church. The money given goes to sustain and spread the mission of Hill City Church in the Eastern Valley and beyond. Giving is also available through standing orders. If you are not a member of Hill City Church, please do not feel compelled to give.
Following the service we have a time for tea, coffee, and refreshments. Please feel free to enjoy the refreshments and get to know us better. If you need prayer any of the leaders will be happy to pray with you.