Following the miraculous healing of the lame man and Peter's insistence that this miracle had been done in the name of Jesus, the religious authorities arrested the apostles and insisted…

Seek Things Above

March 23, 2014
Having laid solid gospel foundations in chapters 1 - 2, the Apostle Paul urges the saints of Colosse to "put on the new self". Pastor James explores this passage, not…

Christ in You

March 2, 2014
Hill City evangelist, James Richards, considers what it means to rejoice in sufferings, to fill up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions, and to know the glorious mystery of Christ…

Grace to You

February 2, 2014
Hill City evangelist, James Richards, launches a brand new teaching series exploring Paul's letter to the Colossians.
James Richards takes a good look at the Parable that Jesus told about the woman who lost a precious coin and considers what it has to say to us about…