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Paul begins his letter to the Philippian church by stating his love and affection for them as a Gospel-centred church, while praying that they would continue to grow in their…

New Year 2017

January 1, 2017
This week we are reminded of  God's unchanging nature in Faith (Acts 2:33-36), Hope (1 Peter 1:3-4) & Love (John 17:20-23)


December 11, 2016

This week we occlude our studies n Exodus as the people complete the construction of the tabernacle following their fall into idolatry last week. The glory of God descends putting…
This week we see just how unable the people were to keep the covenant that God had made with them. Moses is a long time coming down the mountain, and…
This week we see the initial instructions for the creation of the tabernacle, the visible representation of God's presence among His people, and the pattern for their ongoing worship.
In our text this week God completes the giving of this first part of His law. He promises to go before His people into the land of Canaan, and the…
This week we see the beginning of God giving His law to His people. He displays His power and glory to them so that they might learn to fear Him…
Having been released from slavery in Egypt we now see the beginning of israel's journey through the wilderness. Unfortunately the joy of their escape doesn't last long and grumbling and…
This week we see another display of God's saving power. Through His people seemed to be free already, Pharaoh launches one final attempt to get them back, and God has…
1 2 3 29 30 31 32 33 48 49 50

 Archives of older sermons be found here (2012-13) and here (2007-12).

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