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In this 2nd session from our Church Family Day, Pastor John unpacks the message in Psalm 44  - Song of Suffering
In this 1st session of 3, Pastor John unpacks the message in Psalm 42 & 43  - Songs of Longing
This week we learn of the importance of mission.

This week we here about  spiritual gifts: The foundation Gifts in Ephesians 4:11; The Diversity of Gifts in 1 Corinthians 12:28-30; The Gifts of Grace in Romans 12:6-8 and the…

DNA 1 – Gospel

April 17, 2016
Dai talks how being a Gospel church must be in our church DNA
Hill City Ladies Lunch. Precious - Shame. ‏ Feedback Session. Apologies for the incomplete recording
Hill City Ladies Lunch. Precious - Shame. ‏ Workshop 2. Apologies for the incomplete recording
Hill City Ladies Lunch. Precious - Shame. ‏ Workshop 1. Apologies for the incomplete recording

The Church Today

April 3, 2016
How did people view the church in the bible and what it looks like to be the church today.
1 2 3 32 33 34 35 36 48 49 50

 Archives of older sermons be found here (2012-13) and here (2007-12).

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