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Bible Text: Ezekiel 34 | Preacher: Caleb Jones | How did people view the church in the bible and what it looks like to be the church today.
Bible Text: Genesis 46 - 50 | Preacher: Dai Hankey | Series: Genesis: Foundations for Life | This week we conclude our study in the book of Genesis as God's…
Bible Text: Genesis 42 - 45 | Preacher: Simon Matheson | Series: Genesis: Foundations for Life | This week we saw the unfolding of God's great plan to rescue His…
Bible Text: Genesis 40 - 41 | Preacher: Dai Hankey | Series: Genesis: Foundations for Life | This week we saw Joseph's continued trials as he is forgotten by the…
Bible Text: Genesis 39 | Preacher: James Richards | Series: Genesis: Foundations for Life | This week we saw the beginning of Joseph's life in Egypt as he serves faithfully…
Bible Text: Genesis 37 | Preacher: Pete Cole | Series: Genesis: Foundations for Life | This week we begin to look at the life of Joseph as his father's favouritism,…
Bible Text: Genesis 34 - 36 | Preacher: Simon Matheson | Series: Genesis: Foundations for Life | This week we ended our study of Jacob's life as God confirms the…
Bible Text: Genesis Chapters 32 - 33 | Preacher: Dai Hankey | Series: Genesis: Foundations for Life | This week we looked at Jacob's return to his homeland as a…
Bible Text: Genesis 28 - 31 | Preacher: Dai Hankey | Series: Genesis: Foundations for Life | This week we continue our look the the life of Jacob as God…
Bible Text: Genesis 25:19-34, Genesis 27 | Preacher: Simon Matheson | Series: Genesis: Foundations for Life | This week we begin our look at the life of Jacob. We don't…
Archives of older sermons be found here (2012-13) and here (2007-12).