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Jesus Changed Paul's life. Even if no one believed his message no one could deny that he was a changed man. Our personal testimonies are powerful, and God built in…
Religious men set out to deal with the Good News of Jesus that Paul was preaching in the same way they often do in the book of Acts, with violence.…
Paul defends himself and his message against false accusations about his ministry in front of a hostile crowd. These chapters show how in the face of personal abuse Paul loved…
Paul continues on his journey to Jerusalem, demonstrating along the way his great love for the church, his discernment of the Holy Spirit's guidance and his readiness to face whatever persecution…
Dave Medlicott takes us through the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples. When we study that along with the prayers of Jesus recorded by the gospel writers we begin to…

Seismic Salvation

April 5, 2015
The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is  the most important moment in human history. Today as we celebrate these event we reflect on what happened, what it meant…
As Paul is being lead by the Spirit of God to Jerusalem where he knows he will face hardship he is confident that he has done all in his power…
This passage has an incredible blend of the everyday things and the supernatural in this community of believers. Their devotion to each other and the teaching of the good news…
Paul had a relationship with Jesus, the risen saviour. His time in Ephesus is marked with story after story that give evidence of that and shows us what ministry powered…
This passage marks the end of Paul's second missionary journey. Great efforts for the gospel were being made all over the world, and we are called to the same mission…
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 Archives of older sermons be found here (2012-13) and here (2007-12).

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