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God orchestrates two supernatural events in to blow the doors off the great commission and make it clear that now is the time for the good news of the gospel…
We invited our Children to stay in the service and help us find scripture as we recapped our journey through the book of Acts.
Saul, breathing murderous threats against the Christians sets off to persecute more of them in Damascus, but Jesus has his own unstoppable plan.
Philip continues to be lead by the Holy Spirit to preach the Gospel where ever he is sent, and this time the message lands on a man ready and willing…
Phillip begins preaching the risen Christ to the people of Samaria. Simon, a practicer of magic who influenced the people, is confronted with the True Messiah he was pretending to…
Stephen, being filled with the Holy Spirit, delivers a uncompromising gospel message  to the religious leaders in the face of death.
A complaint is brought before the leaders of the 1st century church. They  deal with it it a way that honors God and is relevant for us today .
Pete Cole preaches a gospel message from Acts 5 as the early church continues to grow, in the face of the increasing hostility and persecution.
Far from stopping them in their tracks, the threats and intimidation have only served to strengthen the faith and accelerate the growth of the early church who were enjoying a…
Following the miraculous healing of the lame man and Peter's insistence that this miracle had been done in the name of Jesus, the religious authorities arrested the apostles and insisted…
1 2 3 40 41 42 43 44 48 49 50

 Archives of older sermons be found here (2012-13) and here (2007-12).

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