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Word Became Flesh

December 7, 2014
Bible Text: John 1 | Preacher: Dai Hankey | Series: Advent 2014 | Incarnation means "to become flesh."  The incarnation is the event where Jesus, the Word,  Fully God, became…

When It All Falls Apart…

November 30, 2014
Bible Text: Job 1 & 2 | Preacher: Dai Hankey | Lessons in suffering from Job 1 & 2
Bible Text: Acts 16 | Preacher: Simon Matheson | Series: To The Ends of the Earth | Paul and Silas encounter 3 totally different people under 3 incredibly different circumstances…
Bible Text: Acts15:36-16:5 | Preacher: Caleb Jones | Series: To The Ends of the Earth | An Argument with Barnabas. Asking Timothy to become circumcised. on the surface it looks…
Bible Text: Acts 15:1-35 | Preacher: Dai Hankey | Series: To The Ends of the Earth
Bible Text: Acts 14 | Preacher: Dai Hankey | Series: To The Ends of the Earth
Bible Text: Acts13:13-51 | Preacher: Ben Franks | Series: To The Ends of the Earth | Ben Franks from Hope Church Rhondda shares the 6 things that Paul did in…
Bible Text: Act 13:1-12 | Preacher: Dai Hankey | Series: To The Ends of the Earth | Barnabas and Saul, being sent out by the Holy Spirit and the church, Travel to Cyprus.…
Bible Text: Acts 12 | Preacher: Simon Matheson | Series: To The Ends of the Earth | Herod began persecuting the early church because it pleased the people. James is…
Bible Text: Hebrews 11 | Preacher: Simon Guillebaud | Series: Testimonies | Simon Guillebaud, a British missionary to Burundi Africa, reminds us that the Christian life is one that will…
1 2 3 41 42 43 44 45 50 51 52

 Archives of older sermons be found here (2012-13) and here (2007-12).

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