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Christ in You

March 2, 2014
Hill City evangelist, James Richards, considers what it means to rejoice in sufferings, to fill up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions, and to know the glorious mystery of Christ…
Paul reminds the Colossians who they were without Christ, what He did to reconcile them to Himself and what His heart is for them - to present them holy, blameless…

The Preeminent Christ

February 16, 2014
Concerned about certain elements of the Colossian church worshipping angels and get distracted by religion and tradition, the apostle Paul writes to remind them who should be central to their…
James Richards briefly unpacks the meaning behind baptism from Romans chapter six.

Lloyd’s Testimony

February 16, 2014
Former soldier, Lloyd Morgan, tells the story of his conversion to Christ.

Paul’s Prayer

February 9, 2014
Continuing our series in Paul's letter to the Colossians, Simon Matheson looks at Paul's prayer for the Colossians, practically and pastorally applying it to our lives and circumstances today.

Grace to You

February 2, 2014
Hill City evangelist, James Richards, launches a brand new teaching series exploring Paul's letter to the Colossians.
Focussing on the famous words of Jesus in John 15, Pastor Dai Hankey considers what it means for us to be people who bear fruit for the glory of God…
James Richards takes a good look at the Parable that Jesus told about the woman who lost a precious coin and considers what it has to say to us about…
Pastor James Richards revisits one of the most well known stories in scripture - David versus Goliath - and challenges to live lives of faith, not fear.

 Archives of older sermons be found here (2012-13) and here (2007-12).

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