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Bible Text: Luke 5:17-26 | Preacher: Pete Cole | Series: Non-Series Sermons 2014 | Pete Cole teaches on the Luke's account of a paralysed man being forgiven of his sins,…
Bible Text: Psalm 62 | Preacher: Dai Hankey | Series: Non-Series Sermons 2014 | Pastor Dai Hankey takes a look at Psalm 62, in which King David looks his enemies…
Bible Text: Luke 24 | Preacher: Dai Hankey | Series: Non-Series Sermons 2014 | Pastor Dai Hankey shares the story of the resurrection of Jesus this Easter Sunday during our…
Bible Text: Matthew 16:13-28 | Preacher: Nathan Davies | Series: Non-Series Sermons 2014 | On this Palm Sunday service Nathan Davies asked us the simple question: "Who do you say…
Bible Text: Colossians 3:18-4:1 | Preacher: Dai Hankey | Series: Colossians | An authentic relationship with Jesus should always be evident by the way we seek to relate with others.…

Seek Things Above

March 23, 2014
Bible Text: Colossians 3:1-17 | Preacher: James Richards | Series: Colossians | Having laid solid gospel foundations in chapters 1 - 2, the Apostle Paul urges the saints of Colosse…
Bible Text: Colossians 2:8-15 | Preacher: Dai Hankey | Series: Colossians | Pastor Dai Hankey grapples with Paul's exhortation to the saints at Corinth to see to it that nothing…
Bible Text: John 12:1-8 | Preacher: Michelle Hankey | Series: Precious 2014 | In this third and final session, Michelle Hankey explores Mary's anointing of Jesus at Bethany from the…
Bible Text: John 11:1-46 | Preacher: Liz Ollerton | Series: Precious 2014 | Liz Ollerton teaches in the second session of Precious 2014, looking at the tender way that Jesus…
Bible Text: Luke 10:38-42 | Preacher: Sophie Toovey | Series: Precious 2014 | Sophie Toovey speaks at the first session of the Precious ladies conference, considering the differing attitudes of…
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 Archives of older sermons be found here (2012-13) and here (2007-12).

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