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Bible Text: 1 Samuel 17 | Preacher: James Richards | Series: Non-Series Sermons 2014 | Pastor James Richards revisits one of the most well known stories in scripture - David…
Bible Text: Acts 12:1-19 | Preacher: Dai Hankey | Series: Non-Series Sermons 2014 | Pastor Dai Hankey launches our week of prayer with a one-off sermon on prayer that considers…
Bible Text: Mark 16:14-end | Preacher: James Richards | Series: Journey With Jesus | Pastor James Richards concludes our Journey with jesus through Mark's gospel, urging us to take seriously…
Bible Text: Mark 15:42-16:13 | Preacher: Dai Hankey | Series: Journey With Jesus | In this sermon, Pastor Dai Hankey looks at the event that changes everything - the resurrection…
Bible Text: Mark 15:16-41 | Preacher: Dai Hankey | Series: Journey With Jesus | The suffering of Christ reaches a crescendo as He is mocked, beaten, led to Golgotha and…
Bible Text: Mark 15:1-15 | Preacher: Nathan Davies | Series: Journey With Jesus | Beaten and battered, Jesus is dragged before Pontius Pilate, who is reluctant to sentence Him to…
Bible Text: Mark 14:43-72 | Preacher: Dai Hankey | Series: Journey With Jesus | Following the spiritual agony of Gethsemane Garden, Jesus faces another type of agony - that of…
Bible Text: Mark 14:32-42 | Preacher: James Richards | Series: Journey With Jesus | Pastor James Richards takes us to the holy ground of Gethsemane Garden as Christ surrenders to…
Bible Text: Mark 1:40-45 | Preacher: Mez McConnell | Series: Non-Series Sermons 2013 | Our visiting preacher, Mez McConnell, brings to life the encounter of Jesus healing a leper, celebrating…
Bible Text: Mark 14:1-11 | Preacher: James Richards | Series: Journey With Jesus | Sandwiched between 2 sinister accounts of plot and betrayal, Mark records the beautiful, passionate moment that…
Archives of older sermons be found here (2012-13) and here (2007-12).